Taste the Beauty

Taste the Beauty

Wine & Food
  • We organize events and conferences with experts in the sector of interest.
  • We create courses in local food and wine guidance and professional refresher courses and continuous training.
  • We create and promote taste itineraries that enhance agricultural and food realities and products.
  • We design, develop and manage content (texts, photos, videos) for websites, blogs, magazines and specialized journals, social profiles and, in general, we provide consultancy on the use of communication and promotion platforms and tools.
Opening period
Opening hours
Number of participants

to be assessed on the basis of the project

The reserved advantage

Gusto la Bellezza is therefore concerned with supporting quality Made in Italy through offline and digital networking and communication activities, both through its own channels and through the channels of the entities that wish to be promoted.

The advantage is extended to all Italea Card holders (including residents in Italy)
Reference person