Monti Ernici Oil and Olive Museum

Monti Ernici Oil and Olive Museum


The Antonio Genovesi agricultural company will host you in the historic "Monti Ernici Oil and Olive Museum".

By visiting the ancient oil mill or oil mill , you can go back to the end of the 19th century, the year the company was founded when donkeys turned the millstone, and then cross the 20th century and discover all the technological innovations implemented by our company. family for the production of extra virgin olive oil , until today, tasting and tasting to discover the true identity of an extra virgin olive oil.

Opening period
Opening hours
Number of participants
max 50 people

Visit and tasting of extra virgin olive oil: 15.00 euros per person

The reserved advantage

Sample of extra virgin olive oil 250ml (per family)

The Advantage is reserved exclusively for Italea Card holders residing abroad
La bascola
La cucina
Le presse
Una visita
Una visita
Esperienza sensoriale e degustazione
Degustazione di prodotti tipici
Visita di gruppo
Visita di gruppo
Pets allowed
Easy parking
Open on demand

Monti Ernici Oil and Olive Museum

Reference person
Via San Francesco
+39 3476941166