Flo.Car. Ltd

Flo.Car. Ltd

Crafts/Local products

From the beginning, the company mission has been to respect the traditions and craftsmanship of the product, working with the highest quality raw materials. Today, after more than a quarter of a century, the company has equipped itself with cutting-edge technology and qualified workers to thoroughly follow the demands and trends of the market, with an eye towards the future without ever forgetting the past; in fact our products are absolutely free of any preservatives. A team that crosses regional borders every day to export the flavors of Molise. A choice to stay in Pietracupa which honors the Molise roots.

Opening period
Opening hours
Number of participants

Contact the organization for any further details and for a detailed quote

The reserved advantage

10% discount on purchases made in the bakery.

The advantage is extended to all Italea Card holders (including residents in Italy)
Il panorama di Pietracupa
Il pane quotidiano
I casciatelli
La pizza coi cicoli
Easy parking
Free WI-FI
Reference person
Andrea Florio
Vico degli Orti
0874 768829