Score Details

rappresentazioni italeeThe POINTS earned on this portal are your ITALEE, your "Italian roots"...

How do you earn points?...Follow the Italea Card website, visit the institutional website and the regional ones, follow the project on all its social networks and...the system will take your loyalty into account and reward it... i

Immediately after LOG-IN you can see your SCORE updated in real time. The points you have accumulated are because: 

  • you registered ;
  • you provided us (by the Registration Form) some additional information about your preferences, your origins, your travel intentions, to help us better organize your welcome;
  • you are interacting with the portal, exploring the offers of regional partners;
  • you participated in the CHALLENGES that we will propose from time to time (quizzes, shares, geolocations..);
  • you contacted, through the portal, our territorial Partners or saved their showcases in your FAVORITE archive
  • you signed up to the Italea Newsletter to receive updates and useful information for your "roots journeys"

STAY TUNED ...and strengthen your have a lot to gain from it !