

Wine & Food

We are Giuseppe & Michaela , creators and founders of DegustAbruzzo .

DegustAbruzzo is an APS - ETS of the Abruzzo Region, since 2016 we have been promoting and enhancing the Abruzzo Territory, its natural landscape beauty and its food and wine excellences through:

  • Cultural Food and Wine Itineraries
  • Wine Tours
  • Typical cooking courses
  • Roots tourism
  • Italian language and culture courses
  • Genealogical research for people from Abruzzo abroad
  • Event organization
Opening period
Always open
Opening hours
Number of participants
minimum 2 maximum 12

The rates we propose vary depending on the service requested by our guest

The reserved advantage

The following promotional offer is reserved for the Roots Traveler in possession of the Italea Card:

  • 5% discount on wine tours and typical Abruzzo cooking courses
  • Free basket of typical products for a group of minimum 4 participants in the Italian Language and Culture Courses
Michaela & Giuseppe
Meraviglie d'Abruzzo
Golfo di Vasto
Veduta dal Castello di Roccascalegna
Castello di Roccascalegna
Brodetto alla Vastese
Brindisi tra amici
Locandina viaggio in Abruzzo
Corso di cucina
Cena in vigna
Shuttle service
Payment by installments


Reference person
Giuseppe Raffaele
Via San Francesco, 9