Rupp Diun Trattoria

Rupp Diun Trattoria


Typical cuisine with roots in the Lucanian peasant tradition.

We like to welcome our guests with courtesy and genuineness, the same genuineness you find in our dishes. We serve you typical Lucanian and Colobraresi recipes and every now and then some tasty contamination from other regions, according to the availability of seasonal ingredients and the imagination of our cooks.

Rupp Diun is a dialect term that farmers used for the mid-morning snack in the fields.

Opening period
all the year
Opening hours
12.00 - 14.00
Number of participants
7.00pm - 9.00pm
  • House starter €10.00
  • First course of homemade pasta seasoned with sauces, legumes, vegetables, meat €10.00
  • Second course of mixed meat and local sausage €12.00
The reserved advantage

One drink included in the price of a full meal of at least two courses.

sala ristorante
frizzuli al sugo con mollica croccante
preparazione dei peperoni cruschi (pupacce ccruschi)
veduta dal balconcino della saletta
dolci della casa
asciugatura dei peperoni
Open on demand
Free WI-FI
Reference person
Elena Di Napoli Direttore
Via Omero, n.20, Colobraro