Palazzo Iacovone, birthplace of Prof. C. de Horatiis, ancient underground oil mill

Palazzo Iacovone, birthplace of Prof. C. de Horatiis, ancient underground oil mill


Palazzo Iacovone, from the medieval period, registered among the Italian Historic Houses, birthplace of Prof. Cosmo de Horatiis (25.09.1771), chamberlain of King Francis I of Bourbon, father and popularizer of Italian Homeopathy. Inside the Palace are both the private Library, with over 2000 ancient volumes (including some authentic texts by de Horatiis and the original of the Italian Constitution in the Official Gazette of 27 December 1947) and the Ancient Hypogean Oil Mill, coeval with the Palace , inside which it was dug by master quarrymen in the clearly visible rock of the town.

Participates in Carte in Dimora (Ministry of Culture), European Heritage Days (Italian Museums Directorate)

Opening period
Always open (Whatsapp or email booking)
Opening hours
10/13 -15/18
Number of participants
minimum 2 maximum 10 participants for each visit

Entrance and guided tour €10 (min. 2 max. 10 for each visit lasting an hour and a half)

Morning 10/11.30am - 11.30am/1.00pm Afternoon 3.00pm/4.30pm - 4.30pm/6.00pm

Reservation required at no. 3342253485 (also Whatsapp) or by email

Always open

The visit will be guided directly by the owner

Courtesy, hospitality and professionalism

The reserved advantage

ITALEAcard holders will receive a 20% discount on entry and guided tours.

From 0 to 14 years free

Free brochure

30% discount on handcrafted products.

The advantage is extended to all Italea Card holders (including residents in Italy)
Targa marmorea, autorizzata dalla Sovrintendenza, commemorativa la nascita nel Palazzo di Cosmo de Horatiis
Alcuni testi originali del de Horatiis
Foto su tela da dagherrotipo originale del de Horatiis
Particolare del Frantoio ipogeo
La macina e la pressa
La Costituzione Italiana in G.U.
Logo turistico autorizzato dalla Regione Molise
Easy parking
Free WI-FI
Open on demand

Palazzo Iacovone, birthplace of Prof. C. de Horatiis, ancient underground oil mill

Reference person
Domenico Iacovone
Via Cosmo de Horatiis 43