Le Vie dei Tesori Festival XVIII edition

Le Vie dei Tesori Festival XVIII edition


Le Vie dei Tesori is the largest project in Sicily dedicated to the story and discovery of the island's heritage : places, people, landscapes, experiences, traditions, productions. Le Vie dei Tesori is a circuit of beauty that makes Sicily a single widespread museum.

The project was born in 2006 in Palermo, on the occasion of the bicentenary of the University of Palermo. Today it is a Foundation recognized as a non-profit organization, for 17 years it has been organizing an opening and storytelling festival of the cultural, naturalistic and scientific heritage which takes place in 20 cities in Sicily (plus a spin-off in Mantua started in 2017) and over 50 villages of the 'Island.

Opening period
14 September - 3 November 2024
Opening hours
Number of participants

To participate in Le Vie dei Tesori, simply acquire the coupon for entry with a guided tour on www.leviedeitesori.it or at the info points set up during the Festival in each city. An 18 euro coupon is valid for 10 visits, a 10 euro coupon for 4 visits and a 3 euro coupon is valid for a single entry . For walks there is an 8 euro coupon. For experiences, coupons are of variable value. Online booking recommended on www.leviedeitesori.com. Anyone who books will be sent a page by email with a QR code with the booking day/time to show at the entrance to the venues on their smartphone or printed out.

The reserved advantage

Roots travelers who purchase a 10-entry coupon will also get a 4-entry coupon for free. It will be necessary to declare that you are the holder of the Italea Card.

For more information on the program and planned activities , consult the website www.leviedeitesori.com

Reference person