The Giants of Leontinoi - silent theatre

The Giants of Leontinoi - silent theatre


Explore the magic of theater under the stars in the heart of Lentini with the show "I Giganti di Leontinoi" presented by the Badia Lost & Found cooperative. Masterfully directed by Angelo D'Agosta, known for his iconic interpretations, the show offers an unforgettable evening in the charming Vicolo Sparta, in Lentini. Through the "Silent Theater" format, you will have the opportunity to completely immerse yourself, with the aid of headphones, in Sicilian millenary stories, from the oratory art of Gorgias to the social commitment of Graziella Vistrè.
The Lentini Urban Art Park, with its style and colors offers the perfect setting for this experience.

Opening period
April 2024
Opening hours
Number of participants
maximum 70

Adults - €13
Children - €8

*the rate includes the "silent" show and the rental of the radio guide and headphones which will be sanitized and disinfected to allow the show to run correctly.

The reserved advantage

The benefits offered to ITALEA members are renewed from season to season, offering unique and diversified experiences. For holders of the ITALEA CARD there is a special discount on the membership fee, guaranteeing exclusive advantages and unmissable conveniences all year round.

The advantage is extended to all Italea Card holders (including residents in Italy)
cover "I Giganti di Leontinoi" di e con Angelo D'Agosta
Pets allowed
Easy parking

The Giants of Leontinoi - silent theatre

Reference person
Giorgio Franco
Vicolo Sparta, Lentini sn.