Excursion and Experiential Day (Bread Day)

Excursion and Experiential Day (Bread Day)

Wine & Food

An exciting and fun interpretation of the typical peasant day dedicated to the rural cult of homemade bread as it was once made. From the methodical preparation of the dough, to the moment in which water, flour and yeast, expertly prepared, become the long-awaited and fragrant shapes, "a sfurnata" (the baked bread) to be preserved "'nta madhja" (maida).

Opening period
Opening hours
Number of participants

For online reservations on the asfalantea.it/prenotazione website, the Association requires an advance payment of €13.00 valid for the reservation only, therefore the balance of €52.00 (adult) and/or €19.50 (child 7-12 years) each will take place in the presence of . Children aged up to 6 years are free.

The reserved advantage

10% discount

The advantage is extended to all Italea Card holders (including residents in Italy)
Pets allowed
Picnic area
Easy parking
Children's games
Open on demand
Reference person