Manifesto di adesione Partner EN


The Partners participating in the Italea Card circuit, part of the broader national tourism incoming project, dedicated to "roots tourism" towards our country, declare to share the values of meeting, welcoming roots travelers and valorising the territory in the economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions, and to adhere to the following guiding principles:

  • respect, empathy, kindness and patience;
  • transparency and honesty in shared information;
  • clarity and timeliness of communications;
  • understanding of cultural, linguistic, religious, philosophical and moral diversity;
  • attention to social and intergenerational inclusiveness and accessibility in all its forms (physical, cognitive, cultural, linguistic, etc.);
  • commitment to improve economic, social and environmental sustainability in every aspect of the product and service chain;
  • valorisation of the local tangible and intangible heritage (products, culture, traditions, etc.)

I declare to recognize myself in the inspiring values of the Project and to modulate my Services offer  around these

I declare to accept supervision and checks carried out by the Italea Card Regional Coordination Team regarding the truthfulness of my declarations and the coherence over time of my Services offer and my tourists incomining behavior in compliance with the guiding principles.

I declare that to have read and accepted the REGULATION in all its parts