Arboreal Archeology Foundation

Arboreal Archeology Foundation


The Arboreal Archeology Foundation aims to research, safeguard and reproduce endangered fruit trees: for 40 years it has been researching ancient local varieties in abandoned farms and monasteries, in Renaissance art, in ancient documents and in the testimonies of elderly farmers . It organizes pomological exhibitions, events dedicated to biodiversity, specific projects in Italy and abroad, visits by schools and groups of scholars and amateurs. The research led to the creation of the orchard collection, an extraordinary genetic and cultural heritage, in San Lorenzo di Lerchi, in a historic agricultural landscape

Opening period
01 April - 30 September
Opening hours
on request based on booking daytime hours
Number of participants
minimum 10 - maximum 25

a contribution is requested to support the Foundation's expenses and activities, given the presence of a guide who accompanies the journey and activities.

The reserved advantage

A special visit route will be reserved for Roots tourists, at the end of which they will be able to participate in an in-depth study on "Migrant Plants". The old and ancient varieties of fruit trees were strongly linked to the communities, to their traditions and family histories, to the landscape, the identity card of the community itself, of which they represented the cultural and cultural roots. these varieties often moved with people in migrations near and far

Pets allowed
Open on demand
Picnic area
Easy parking
Free WI-FI
Reference person
335 6128439